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SVFT December Updates

Members of the Federation-

Welcome to December. What a long fall semester this has been. For many of us, we haven't stopped learning, planning, and working since March and the winter break is looking so good.

There are many moving parts and positions about the re-opening of schools for small cohorts and school safety, as well as other political statements at all levels. At this time, SVFT is working with the District to prepare for Distance Learning in January and adjust the working conditions for the spring semester. There will probably be small cohorts of students beginning in-person instruction in mid to late January, as well as in-person assessment of our special education students once materials and training take place, but what that will look like is being bargained.

Here are a few topics we wanted to highlight:

1. There is an uptick in positive COVID infection rates in our county. Please know that there is a protocol for notifying employees who may have been exposed to any employee who has tested positive for COVID. Due to HIPPA laws, there is no general notice, but contact tracing is implemented when the District is notified. Therefore, if you are symptomatic or test positive for COVID, please notify your site COVID administrator who will work with HR.

Continue to practice social distancing, wear face coverings, and wash your hands regularly. We can all do our part to limit the spread of COVID.

2. There will be an email sent this weekend to gather your opinions for our negotiations team. Please take the time to complete it so that your voice is heard.

Negotiations are scheduled to begin mid-January.

3. Over the holidays, you will receive through US Mail a notification for our biennial election for SVFT site representatives and union officer positions. We will be asking for nominations for these positions and if you are interested, please reach out to me for further information.

4. Please do your best to have all your grades posted in Synergy by December 23rd or earlier. Registrars and counselors will have to work to process grades and adjust courses, and we want them to be able to relax during their holiday. The most common issue is forgetting to post the Advisory citizenship and we ask you to consider posting that first so that you don't forget.

Lastly, for many of us, this has been the most challenging semester of our teaching careers. Thank you for all you have done to adjust to this insanity. Let us be thankful that we have been fully-funded and our salaries and benefits were maintained during these tough economic times. In January, the governor will present a preliminary budget for 2021-22 which will be telling of what we can all expect for our future. We will notify you as we learn more.

Finish these last weeks strong. You have all been amazing.

Reach out with any questions or concerns.

In Unity-

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